Group Classes
Private Training
Group Classes
Good Manners Class Information
Good Manners II Class Workbook
Puppy Class Orientation
Puppy Class Living Room
Puppy Class Kitchen
Puppy Class Vet Visit
Puppy Class Outside Stroll
Puppy Class Grooming
Puppy Class Cafe
Social Skills Information
Dog Body Language
Treats, Toys and Other Resources
Behavior History Questionnaire
Go to Your Place Behavior
Reactive Dog Resources
Dog Walkers and Vacation Care Resouces
Good Manners II Class Information
Individual Behavior Training Exercises
Other Training Information
Tricks Class
Tricks Class Registration
Thursday’s at 6:30pm
~ Class Starts 6/27/2019
Indicates required field
Owner's Name
Line 1
Line 2
Zip Code
Main Phone Number
Other Phone Number
Pet's Name
Pet's Age or Date of Birth
Pet's Breed
Pet's Sex
Please choose one:
Neutered Male
Spayed Female
Intact Male
Intact Female
Is there anything special we should know about you or your pet? (e.g. food allergies, shy around strangers, etc)
Has your dog ever bitten a person or dog?
Please choose one
If yes, please describe:
I understand that pet training is not without risk to me, members of my family or my pet. I agree that in the event of injury to my family, my dog(s) or myself, I will hold Kim Yocklin, Canine Character, LLC, and the property owner where the class is held harmless from any and all liability for any loss, damage or injury to any person, any animal or anything, that may have arisen out of or are in any way connected with, participation in training classes held by Kim Yocklin and/or her trainers, assistants and representatives. Furthermore, I assume all responsibility for any loss, damage or injury done to myself, property, other persons, or other dogs by my dog’s actions or by me. While Trainer uses best practices accepted by the profession, no guarantee is made of your dog's behavior, now or in the future.
Please bring a copy of your pet's vaccination record to the first class. All pets must be vaccinated for rabies (if old enough). Sorry, no exceptions.
I understand that class sizes are limited and that my place in the class will only be reserved for me only when my payment has been received and acknowledged. I understand that all class announcements will be sent by email and I agree to check my email frequently during the course of this class.
Click to proceed to payment page